If You Have Been Here, He Would Not Have Died

Kelvin Atmadibrata / Indonesia
Performance Art

If you had been here

If you had been here, he would not have died  resurrects faith challenged by RPG video games theory of organized religion. The protagonist is inspired by narratives of John 11’s the Raising of Lazarus and Golden Legend’s St. Martha and the Tarasque while he performs within an installation of hundreds individually-colored paper models creating a potential landscape of quietus. The piece is also accompanied by a version of Final Fantasy X’s Hymn of the Fayth as the chorale sung by an adolescent boy echoes throughout the durational performance.

Kelvin Atmadibrata (b.1988, Jakarta, Indonesia) recruits superpowers awakened by puberty and adolescent fantasy to assemble formidable armies of outlaws. He works primarily with performances, often accompanied by and translated into drawings, mixed media and objects compiled as installations. Characterized by shōnen action heroes and macho ero-kawaii, his curiosity contests the masculine and erotica in Southeast Asia.

Date: Saturday, 28 November 2015
Time: 11:00AM
Venue: Site 4