LKP Seni Pradapa Loka Bhakti

Deasylina da Ary, Anes, Shinta, Echa / Indonesia

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Pradapa Loka Bhakti (PLB) is an educational institute that focuses on the field of dance and ethnic music. Located in Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia. Founded by Sukarman on July 10, 1980. However, if viewed from the actual existence of the embryo studio has been there since 1975.

Pradapa Loka Bhakti means devotion flower buds. This meant that although small, but has a role to life, such as the formation of attitudes, personality, behavior, and morals of the students. Through learning traditional dance material, and new creations and ethnic music, PLB also educate the students’ character. PLB students numbering about 100 people, most of whom are primary school age children and adolescents.

Deasylina da Ary

PLB has two departments of education, the dance department named PLB dancework and music departments named PLB musicwork. PLB exists in the world of performing arts. Prior to 1998 the works were staged over the works of the tradition. After 1998 the resulting work is more focused on new creations and contemporary, but remains grounded in the traditional arts. Achievements in 2005 which is the overall champion Parade Tari Nusantara. Then in 2006 was invited to the Indonesian Dance Festival. Surabaya Dance Festival 2008, Jogja Java Carnival 2009 and Bedog Arts Festival 2013. In 2009 and 2015 won the junior art festivals and national competitions.

Since 2008, the PLB is also often hold workshops with speakers from various countries, such as Zimbabwe, India Australia and Thailand. Workshop materials are also varied, such as robotic workshops, drawing and painting workshops, Mbira music workshops, classical Indian dance workshop, and Likey Workshop. This workshop aims to broaden students’ knowledge and insight.

PLB has an annual program called Pentas Bulan Ndadari. This program aims to provide a venue to demonstrate the learning outcomes of students in special education for one year. The unique of this program is all done by the students themselves up to every detail of its implementation. So from this program students not only learn about the materials that will be staged dance. But also can learn about management performance, starting from the planning, implementation and accountability. The program is held at the time of the full moon in the month of Oktober every year.

Early 2014, PLB collaborated with interdisciplinary artists from Australia with the title of the work “Kali”.